don't listen to the message of one of my lovely friends, this blog did not pass away!

I was just waiting for some news that would actually interest you..
So don't worry, my blog is alive and kicking:D
*drum ruffle*
Jorien made it to no. 9 at the European Championships of Baton Twirling in Zagreb!
Congratulation joor :D I knew you could do it!
Curious about her performance?
so guys, what do you think? that's pretty damn awesome isn't it?!
In my opinion she deserved even better than a no. 9
Stefano is in Thailand at the moment, so if you want to know what he's up to you can check:
And then about me, my exiting life!
well that's not that exithing at the moment because the last couple of weeks I just had school
and exams, yuck!
But there are some great things planned for the future!
uno) I'm going to pinkpop with a friend of mine, Krista, to see Linkin Park, Smashing Pumpkins, 30 seconds to mars, The Kooks, Evanescence, Maria Mena, The Fratellis, Arctic Monkeys, Scissor Sisters, Wolfmother and a few other things I don't really care about;)
dos) If these exams went well and I have enough credits to go to the next year, I'm officially going to Barcelona for 3 weeks!
Well Playa D'yaro to be exact, I'm going there with my friend Esther and her parents! I'm really looking forward to that!
Then I have a few songs for you, you really need to download or for the musicians around us who do iTunes the legal way, buy them!
Maroon5 - Makes me wonder
Linkin Park - What I've done
Brainpower ft Partysquad - Non stop
U2 - Window in the skies
Natasha Bedingfield - I wanna have your babies
if you follow the charts you might already have (a few of) them, but they are wonderfull! all of them! But if you have something I need to hear, comment me! New music is always welcome!
Now I'm talking about music, and the new song of Maroon 5..
Last week I saw the videoclip for the first time, and their drummer is sooo goodlooking so I waited for the moment he got a close-up, and guess what?! it was a whole other man!
So I was like; did he take an extreme make-over? he was way hotter before!
So with the help of the internet I searched for a reasonable explanation, and my fav. maroon5 member left the band! like WHAT?
Yes he left the band. Why? well I found out it he did not just left like: hey you guys, I kinda don't like playing music with you anymore so I'm quitting ok? see ya later!
No! Maroon5 did a lot of tours the past time and because of that Ryan's injuries became worse, or came back everythime until the moment he couldn't play anymore!
But I read he still is involved with Maroon5, he helped with the songwriting for the new album so we don't have to miss him completely!
Ryan, get well soon!
O and I would almost forget! for you who don't see me very often, I turned blonde again!
Spring is here and summer is coming so it was time for a change!
Now i've just heard that Mie(reille) has turned back blonde also so I'm very curious!
My partner in blonde :P
Tonight is one of the last Grey's Anatomies of this season, and I'm telling you it's going to be a hell of an episode! I know that because I peaked on the american website and saw a videoclip called 'The Story' and that videoclip + song contained pieces of episodes and I already saw to much!
So don't miss it!
My iPod is switched to a green one, because the pink one was broken, bye bye pinkie:(
but this one is working perfectly so you don't hear me complaining!
My coat is switched to, I don't understand how...well actually I do, but with this you will hear me complaining!
I went out friday night and at the end of the evening it got boring, everyone left so my sister got our coats and we left. On our way to the car I saw some differences between my coat and the one I had; a little thing on the zipper was missing and the collars of my sleeves(if you call it that way?) where a little more broad and is was just messy! For the rest the exact same colour, brand, size and so one. So some stupid drunk girl took my coat home instead of hers! Not a complete disaster but I always take very good care of my stuff and my coat was very neat and stuff, and now someone else has it! Very annoying! I want mine back!
So if you are reading this and you were at The Butler in Etten-Leur friday night 20th of april, and you have a black leather, short coat of vero moda... check it to see if it really is your coat, Thank you! and else I will find my own ways to get it back!
Well I gues that was it! I will try to come up with some stories sooner this time, before leo starts telling you this blog died:P