I'm sorry but I have to say it's not to all of you, or maybe in a different way.
Because there is a big chance that the cutie I fell in love with can't read.
Here he is!

I'm still trying to find out what his name is because without a name no love letters!
I found him on the website of Babs+Milo, from the dog fasionshow in Weekend met Marielle and I fell in love right away.
ps1. My sister already promised me she would give me a dog when I live on my own!
Paramore for movies soundtracks!
As you know this is my favorite band and there is big news!
Paramore is making two soundtracks for the new movie Twilight!
The first song is already on youtube and it's called Decode.
They are still busy on the second song so keep reading my blog to stay up to date!
My sister is a lucky bastard
Yes she did it again, win something!
This time it was a magazine related thing. No not just a prize you could win by making a phonecall.
Last saturday was National Glamourday and my sister managed to get a photographer and cameraman to follow her and her 3 friends around for a whole day of shopping!
With every thing they tried on a picture was taken so you should watch that magazine when it is out next month!
The article is gonna be 4 pages.
Well sister, I admire you
Welcome to a new verb!
I Wii, You Wii, We Wii!
Yes we all do, because I have one at home!
I already had some battles in baseball, golf, bowling, tennis and last but certainly not least, Mario Kart!
You can choose out of 12 characters, 6 of 7 cars and loads of parcours.
No one's gonna stop me now!
Gossip Girl is keeping me waiting!
And it's SO not fair!
I was waiting for a exciting new episode and then, they skipped a week!
If they tried to get me angry, they sure did!
So now I have to wait until next week for the thrilling new episode where they all visit the universities.
The teaser on the CW website made me really curious so when you are looking for me tuesdaynight, keep looking because I won't be there!
Then it's just me and Chuck
My friend Sil is staying in the USA for this year and I just got a message that made me real happy!
1) Of course because I heard from here, Bellingham is pretty far away, Sillie I miss you!
2) Noes is getting presents!
To be exact I am getting this amazing chewing gum I bought in my month in the USA but that's all gone now.

Thank you Sillie!
Soon your stroopwafels and fruitella will be on their way!
Thursday 16 october we have a new day of filming for Weekend met Marielle! Do you want to be audience?
Let me know and I'll send you the details!
That's it for now
x Love,