Here I am again!
today was another saturday of working at the supermarkt, usually fine, sometimes even fun with nice co-workers but also often a day that can really piss me off.
like this time I had to clean the catine, well ok..not that bad I'll do it. But a few people didn't clean they're dishes so I had to do it, so after all the cleaning I open the cabine where the plates belong.. *BANG*
plates on the floor, broken (well not all of them luckely)
well some bonehead didn't look when placing his plates back in the cabine because they were on top on a plastic tupperware thingy, so when I opened the door they all fell out, well thank you very much! bastard, ofcourse nobody said: o I'm sorry I did that!
so I had to clean it up en feel guilty, but the boss wasn't mad luckely:)
after that this bloggerthing didn't want to republish my blog after writing a new post, so I got even more a bad temper... but everything is solved, so I stop wining now;)
The Nice Things:
I went to 'The Devil Wears Prada' with my sister and 2 friends of hers, I expected a lot of it but is was even better!
The boss in the movie was a real bitch and I quote:
"that's all" (in other words: leave...right now)
"I tought, I'll hire the smart....fat girl (she wasn't fat at all, just not skinny as al the other girl around there)
well I won't tell to much yet, for those of you who still want to see it, but I really recommend it!
I have new shoes from A'dam! Vans'...they are just awesome, great, beautifull..etc.
for debbie: here they are.. well a little higher then;)
Also I have a new baby cousin(a girl), she was born on october 12th and here name is Finn, she's really cute and she's being baptised(if you say it that way) tomorrow, so I'm going there..
They day after she was born an older cousin got married with hugo and we had a party that night, it was really fun and she also did a little show with her band there.
In case you are curious, the site of they're band is www.wickymusic.nl
On monday we have TEF presentations from school, and the projectperson Oscar told us that he tought there was a party after that..so let's hope that's true!
then I also have a chance to make that blue sweater mine, hehe:P
Well, last but nog least: the oc seaon 3 is available on dvd since a few days on bol.com
I don't know who else is interested, but I know me and leo are!
just looove the oc! I still have to order it but leo has it almost, well we hope it's on it's way to him!
so that's it for today, have a nice weekend everyone!
see ya later ;) xx Noes
1 comment:
Heej my sweet colleague!! :)
So tonight TEF awards he.. o o o no party afterwards... which means no blue sweater.. :( sucks..
well anyway.. we'll fix us some dinner tonight :D...
Xxx Moi
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