Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We all love Lily! .. and james ofcourse ;)

hey y'all!

Just one more day and then... Lily Allen! woohoo
I'm so excited to go! Most of all, I'm really curious about her stage preformance, because youtube showt me one gig of her that wasn't that great, but let's hope for the best.. and that is that Lily isn't drunk this time so this is for you Lily, leave the beer alone!
we will take care of that hehe

But almost friday and there's still the question...what to wear?! I just have no idea, so I'll just take my closet with me to A'dam and decide what to wear when I arrived.(at a'dam, not the concert ofcourse)

Well 3 of the 4 examens are finished and over all, they went well:)
still some difficult things ofcourse but let's hope it compares with all the things I did do in the right way, so 3 down, 1 to go!

The James-addiction isn't over yet, so that will take a while...
the concert was sold out! that's a pitty, just hope he will come back to the netherlands really soon..and the veronicas too because of some reason I miss all the concerts they have around here

well enough wining for today, in a few days you will have the whole journal of comming weekend to read over here! Including pictures, so I can hope we can get the camera to the concert

bye bye for now!
xx noes

( )


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