Sunday, February 11, 2007

The most awesome concert ever!

In a few days, you will be able to read a overview of the James Morrison concert here.

I can already say it was even better than I had hoped! but when I have pictures, video's and recored sound thingy's you will get the detailed piece;)

xx love,

Hey you guys!
as promised, here is a more detailed version of the concert!
although I took a while to get all the pictures and little movies etc.
Well how it all began;
Me and Jorien arrived at the trainstation that was the nearest one to the Heiniken Music Hall, well said it was, but we ourselves think it wasn't!
so we had to walk a few minutes to get to the HMH but then, which way to go?
we saw three possible options: dark & nothing, dark & nothing and dark with a bus. So we decided to ask the busdriver but when we where almost there, it drove away!
so then we had to choose between the two dark & nothings.
We saw a few people walk the left one, so we followed them!
It was almost a 'avond vierdaagse' because they kept on walking and walking and suddenly we weren't so sure we were going the right way, while a few girls were following us. They thought we knew the way.
After a while we did arrive at the HMH but we think we could go there way easier: just leave the train one trainstation earlier.
But hey! we were there!
Finally inside the building we walked a lot of stairs to drop our coats and then we were curious about the support act, that already left! tsss what a loser!
So the only option left was to find ourselves a good spot in the crowd and wait for our lovely James to arrive!
He was a little late, but he's a star... so probably he thought he was fashionable late..
I can tell you, the walking an waiting was all worth it!
His voice, the band and everything around it was more then we could ever expect!
and James was hot!..his legs were a little skinny but what a man!*sings the rest of the song*
He told us he thought we weren't lazy, because we ride bikes.
We were the biggest crowd he ever performed for! and...*drum ruffle*
we were a hell of a sexy crowd! and above all:
fucking awesome!
So you hear ( he thought the same about the concert as we did.
You can find some movies of it on youtube if you search under: james morrison hmh
further I can provide you with some pictures, sort movies and sound of the concert if you are curious!
I will post something exciting soon!
and with that I mean real soon, not like this time;) sorry for that
enjoy your weekend! ..well, whats left of it
xx love,


Anonymous said...

Hey Tinkerbell, where is the update you promised? I want to read some more about that concert of yours or actually Jameses.

I passed bc and have a new phone, this makes me a happy boy :)

Have a nice carnaval and don't get too drunk :P

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm kinda interested too :) Xx