Sunday, April 13, 2008


This message is in Dutch for a big part, because it's about a song from Marco Borsato and I think you can already guess which one!

Why am I blogging about this song?
Take a moment to think about this question... still no clue?

Because you have millions of options to make a parody of it!
To be honest... I already made several with friends

To begin with, the original lyrics:

Je bent binnen
binnen in mijn hart
binnen in mijn ziel
Van binnen
binnen sinds de dag dat ik voor jou viel
binnen in de droom die ik met je wil beginnen
je bent binnen

The first parody I know was created during the introduction week, we had to do a game where you have to walk around the city and find out clues before you can proceed. Because we had a party at the evening some of our group had to go to the ATM machine, and now you can already guess which word kickt 'binnen' out of the song..

Je bent pinnen
pinnen bij de bank
pinnen uit de muur
ja pinnen
pinnen sinds de dag dat... (I don't know the last part anymore unfortunately)

When I was partying with some friends from work, we also managed to get our big boss in the song. To explain shortly, we work at the supermarket called "Dirk vd Broek" and of course the big boss' name is:

Dirk in mijn hart
Dirk in mijn ziel
ja Dirk
Dirk sinds dat dag dat ik hier werk
oooh Dirk
Dirk in de droom die wij hier gaan beginnen,
bij de Dirk
jaaa... Dirk

While I was discussing this song with my sisters I found out there are more options I did not think of, well for some that's a good thing.

When you are in a competition with your sports team or whatever team you can of course use:

A certain guy who was crazy about the female body used the word 'billen', really creative..

Any more ideas guys?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
