Saturday, May 26, 2012

Studded phone case

Since festival season is coming up again, the trends in fashion are also adjusting.
Something that belongs to my favorites: studded items, you can apply them on almost every piece of clothing but what I also really like is this tutorial.

Ready, set, diy!

What do you need?
- A silicone cover for your phone, color is of course to your taste
- Pyramid studs, I used 10 mm ones

I bought both the covers and studs on ebay, it may take some time to arrive but it has the best result: fun and cheap!

- A ruler
- Pliers
- A needle
- A pencil

Step 1. Figure out a design, what pattern do you like? Not a clue? Try Google, Tumblr or Pinterest for some examples.

Step 2. Use the ruler en pencil to create a grid, if you don't it is very hard to create a straight line while applying the studs.

Step 3. Start in the corner with your first stud and work in rows. Take a stud and push it onto the case in the right place, it probably won't go all the way through but that is what the needle is for. If you now lift the stud you will see little marks, pierce through those with your needle and the stud will go in much easier.

Step 4. When the stud is all the way through, hold it in place and use the pliers to flatten the prongs. Really use the pliers and not your hands or nails, they can be really sharp.

This is an example of the inside of a case which is studded. That is what the flatted prongs should look like.


Step 5. Continue like this until all studs are in place. Check if every stud is secure and your case is done! You could add a piece of fabric to the inside to prevend your phone from scratching.
The first case I created is the picture all the way to the top. You could work with all colors of studs and covers to create various results, there are tons of examples online so don't hesitate to look around before you buy everything.
Have fun!


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