Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Composed porcelain

When you can't buy it, you make it!
Lately, I've been busy with DIY's that are as easy as they are fun.
Today: composing several porcelain or glass elements into one piece.




These two are composed cake stands. Find a plate or dish to your taste and combine it with a small vase or a candlestick.
Make sure the top and bottom are straight so the stand will be steady and decide which side will be the bottom.
Use clear silicone glue, the kind you would use for the bathroom, to attach the pieces and leave it to dry for at least a night.

Of course there are many other options besides making cake stands. For instance this jewellery/ring holder.


I found both items in a second hand shop, the duck was probably disposed because it's beak and eyes were worn off. Luckily I had bought porcelain paint so I restored it easily to it's former glory.
Using the same silicone glue, I attached the little ducky to it's new pond.

Apart from the time the glue needs to dry, it's a quick DIY project with infinite options. Make sure you remeber this whenever you can't find what you are looking for at the store.


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