What happened in the time in between?
- Busy, busy, busy with school. But if everything goes according to scedule that period will be over soon:)
- I created a huge addiction (yes, even more) to the band Paramore, I will see them again the 17th of June!
- I've been to the concert of Tegan and Sara
- The whole trip to America is planned
- The trip to London too
I know it's a bad excuse but I am really blaming school on not blogging ;)
Still a few weeks of school to go, but on the 16th of May this Noes will fly away to the USA!
We will stay on the campus of the NAU in Flaggstaff, Arizona to do a project. In the weekend we will visit Las Vegas which is awesome of course, but the thing is I am not 21. So I can not even gamble! But I'll just try to sneak in somewhere, cannot miss a chance like that.
When the rest of our group of school is going home again I will go to San Diego, Tijuana and Los Angeles with a few friends.
Because I have to do one stupid re-exam I have to go home earlier than hoped, so I will fly back on the 15th of June.
But actually this re-exam kinda saved me, because just a week or so ago I found out Paramore is coming back to Holland, but this is already on the 17th of June!
I still managed to get some tickets for myself and two of my friends but getting them meant waking up way to early on your saturday off, and that's really special when you work in the supermarket.
But after stressing out a bit and calling the computer some names, I got tickets!
At that moment the words chirpy and even hyperactive were on their place. Me, my jetlag and friends will be there!

If you do not know them yet, shame on you!
http://www.paramore.hyves.nl/ (yes, I started it)
or just watch on of the videos to find out what you think:
Talking about music now, I've also been to the concert of Tegan and Sara on the 20th of March! I did not know them very well actually but one of my friends really wanted to see them so I went with her. They're live performance is great and they even played the song I know!
* I just want back in your head, lala lala lala lala*
The support band was Nothern state, three girls appearing to be calm with their keyboard and guitar but actually being female mc's with catchy rhymes.
The song "Iluvitwhenya" was even featured on greys anatomy!
I love their song "Sucka mofo"
You can listen to it on their myspace, just google them and you'll find it.
I have more new music, yes new for me, where I also got the name of this message out of but I'll keep that for next time because I don't know them that well yet.
Well after the USA and Paramore I have to do that re-exam, arrange the last Graduation Event because that's my TEF project on school and then I'm already going to London!
Yes, that's expensive to do all at once but after that I have the rest of the summer holiday to relax and work a little bit to save some money again:)
I think it's time again for me to do some studying!
x Noes
1 comment:
Wow Noes, busybusy!
Now I am kinda curious, who are your friends :) (I'm missing that out :(, but yeah it was my own choice ;))
Anyway, goodluck with the trip and greet Leo, Myrthe en Mireille for me,
sweet, Marij
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