Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cake stand

It happens more than once in a while. You are looking for that one thing: the perfect jeans, those exact shoes you had seen online, furniture that's all in the same color range..
It is exactly then that you can do whatever you want, try so hard but you won't find it.
Don't worry, you really are not the only one.
For the last couple of weeks I have been looking for new cake stands. I didn't even have one exact idea in my head but still, I could hardly find any!
And the rare ones I did find where only big enough for one cupcake or pretty but after a closer look crooked. Frustrating right?

So sometimes a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do. I made one myself!

I bought a gorgeous plate and vase at the second hand store, gave then a good scrub and with a little imagination they became one piece.
Since the outcome is so fabulous, I don't intent to quit anytime soon.

Bring in the cake, 'cause we are ready for it!


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