Thursday, November 27, 2008

When I grow up..

I'm sorry! It took a while again for me to come up with a new post.
My excuse? It's been hectic and sometimes a little dramatic too but I found some time to write to you about my thought again.

Ok so here's te story because I was reminded of some chilhood memories, and also of some memories of a stage where I was little older, officially older because you will see that mentally we (yes we) where still 8.

During the wonderful holiday called Carnaval in 2006 I was at a different place every day, together with my awesome friend Esje. If I remember correctly we started the first night in Made, then we moved on to Etten-leur, Raamsdonksveer and to finish it off we went to Breda.
But to start of with the actual story, Carnaval is about drinking to much and make out with random people. Actually I think it's not supposed to be about just that but nowadays it clearly is. (You'll see the proof in February)
Because we were partying every night until everything closed we lost it a little bit, well let's be honest, we were totally wasted!
I think that first day in Made was the worst.
We were dressed in pink mini skirts with wings and glitter everywhere and to finish it off in our style, allstars. Our identies where changed, that night we were elves and my name was Faylinn. When we were kicked out of the bar because it was closing we ran around outside singing " Pump it! Louder!" and found a snackbar on wheels.
For a little while we seriously thought someone stole our french fries but actually we just ate really fast and didn't really realise it anymore.

After solving that mistery we were bored and really not tired yet so we were dancing on the streets and passing all the stores and ofcourse the stores have windows! In those windows there are those dolls that you can dress up and in one store the doll had no outfit anymore and his ass was facing the outside.
Because our magic wand was hitting everyone already for most of the night it decided to hit the ass of the doll too (it really wasn't us doing that, it was the wand!

After that it all got a little blurry but I remember we made it home in some way and ended up on the kitchen floor laughing our assess off. When we woke up the next day, in bed suprisingly, I realised I still had all my smokey-eyes-makeup on when I fell asleep so half of my face was black, yes like a panda!
When we saw each other we died of laughing again because I think she was wearing 20 layers of clothing because she was so cold that night.
That moment, no offence to anyone!, Die Toerk & Pandi were born.

I am really suprised I remember all this still when you think how much we drunk those nights!
After that we kept calling each other this way and had gigant plans for the future.

Ever heard of a better company name than Die Toerk & Pandi Productions?
I don't think sooo!

Our company would become a kick ass music label with Pandi as the producer and die Toerk as our photographer, the rest of the tasks would be fine, no worries.

We even made a little parody to a well know song to make clear what our life would be:
Lifestyle of the rich and the awesome!

We would call ourselves fabulettes too, because ofcourse we are just fabulous!

All the awesome artists like The Kooks, Lily Allen and Paramore wanted to be with our label and we became famous al over the world. We have houses at all the greatest cities in world to do business the right way and have a holiday or two.
We both have our dream guy, Max Rafferty from the Kooks with Es and James Morrison with me.
Unfortunately that part of the plan is messed up now because Es is with Bas now and James Morrison has a girlfirend and baby.

For serious business we would hire secret-knight-agent Bob, yes even his real name is a secret! You remember him for one of my first posts? Because we are sooo succesful I also decided to do some interior designen aside of it because I just love it and all the stars wanted to hire me for it. Together with the art of Esje we would be unstopable!

Yes we do have a lot of imagination, don't we?
But I have faith that someday these Toerk & Pandi will just be as succesful as we discussed but maybe the company would look a little different with some other artists.

The first real ambition I had was when I was a really little girl. My parents took me and my two sisters to the circus and that's where it all started. Little Noes saw a woman in a beautifull costume on top of an elephant!
From then on I wanted to be a 'elephant rider in China'.
Please don't ask me why and what the reason was for China but I think it seemed really obvious to me that if you were an elephant-rider you lived in China.

To try a little interactivity for a change, what where your childhood ambitions?

At this moment I just want to finish of school to be a Media & Entertainment Manager and whatever my job will be in the future, I have faith that I will be rich & awesome with Es!

So that's it for today! It's time to shower and make smoothies! No, not making smoothies while showering, that would be a mess

Promise I will post soon again!

xoxo Pandi

Thursday, October 09, 2008

My heart is yours...

Yes yours!
I'm sorry but I have to say it's not to all of you, or maybe in a different way.
Because there is a big chance that the cutie I fell in love with can't read.
Here he is!

I'm still trying to find out what his name is because without a name no love letters!
I found him on the website of Babs+Milo, from the dog fasionshow in Weekend met Marielle and I fell in love right away.
ps1. My sister already promised me she would give me a dog when I live on my own!

Paramore for movies soundtracks!
As you know this is my favorite band and there is big news!
Paramore is making two soundtracks for the new movie Twilight!
The first song is already on youtube and it's called Decode.
They are still busy on the second song so keep reading my blog to stay up to date!

My sister is a lucky bastard
Yes she did it again, win something!
This time it was a magazine related thing. No not just a prize you could win by making a phonecall.
Last saturday was National Glamourday and my sister managed to get a photographer and cameraman to follow her and her 3 friends around for a whole day of shopping!
With every thing they tried on a picture was taken so you should watch that magazine when it is out next month!
The article is gonna be 4 pages.
Well sister, I admire you

Welcome to a new verb!
I Wii, You Wii, We Wii!
Yes we all do, because I have one at home!
I already had some battles in baseball, golf, bowling, tennis and last but certainly not least, Mario Kart!
You can choose out of 12 characters, 6 of 7 cars and loads of parcours.
No one's gonna stop me now!

Gossip Girl is keeping me waiting!
And it's SO not fair!
I was waiting for a exciting new episode and then, they skipped a week!
If they tried to get me angry, they sure did!
So now I have to wait until next week for the thrilling new episode where they all visit the universities.
The teaser on the CW website made me really curious so when you are looking for me tuesdaynight, keep looking because I won't be there!
Then it's just me and Chuck

My friend Sil is staying in the USA for this year and I just got a message that made me real happy!
1) Of course because I heard from here, Bellingham is pretty far away, Sillie I miss you!
2) Noes is getting presents!
To be exact I am getting this amazing chewing gum I bought in my month in the USA but that's all gone now.

Thank you Sillie!
Soon your stroopwafels and fruitella will be on their way!

Thursday 16 october we have a new day of filming for Weekend met Marielle! Do you want to be audience?
Let me know and I'll send you the details!

That's it for now
x Love,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day!

Or maybe not?
If you simply take a look through your window you know what I mean.
Today felt like a sad, lazy and especially nasty day.
The nasty is because for the rain of course. It makes your hair do crazy things, you feel cold and sticky, everything stays wet and every bus that passes you by has steamy windows.
This is a typical day to stay inside with a feelgood movie and just do nothing else, unfortunately most of us had to go to school, work or in my case, to internship.

But then again, here I am with the Noes-News update!

Harrie is hiding!
In my last message I told you about our new pet, the hedge-hog.
My dad baptised him(or her) to Harrie! I think it's a pretty good name for our hedgie.
We found out a few of it's hobbies!
One of Harrie's biggest hobbies is sunbathing, in the following picture you see Harrie relaxing in the lovely sunshine a few days ago.
After a lazy daydream Harrie also likes sports, in the second picture you see him in action, jog around the clock!

As you can see Harrie is one busy hedge-hog!
Unfortunately we have not seen him for a few days but we hope it's because of the weather. Come home Harrie!

I have friends all around the world!
Yes I really do!
I thought this was a good opportunity to tell you about some of my friends that are taking a big step, a really big one.
The first friend is Andrea, also known to me as Andy.
I know Andy from school but she is not from Holland, but from Germany!
After setteling down in the lovely city Breda she went back to Germany for her internship. And not somewhere in Germany where she is from, but Munchen! Sorry for the grammar but I can't find the U with dots.

Another friend that left this frogcountry for her internship is Sharon!
She is a real Dutchy but decided to spend the twenty weeks as an intern in England!

Last but not least, our Sillie!
This is not a matter of internship but going to college in the USA for a whole year!
She is living in Ferndale in the state Washinton.

I hope you girls have a great time and keep me up to date with all the hot gossip!
I really admire what you are doing although I miss you!
Someday I wish to do the same thing, or maybe I'll visit you very soon!
I'd still like to go to New York, England again and Australia someday.
Where is my piggy bank again?!

I survived my first day of filming!
Last thursday we filmed the first 3 episodes of Weekend met Marielle!
Yes 3 whole shows on one day. It was busy, I was a bit nervous and then it all worked out just fine!
Let me tell you a bit about a few guests we had that day:
We had Marjolijn from the cute store Babs + Milo, she brought Babs, Boef and Sas for a fabulous dog fashionshow!
The dogs were just to cute, I almost kidnapped Sas, and they did their thing on the catwalk for sure!

Maik de Boer stopped by to tell us more about his clothing line for women who are a little bigger than some of us, he showed us they can look great and sexy too!

Another guest was Marion who cooks biologic-vegetarian, this all in the animal day spirit! She made several dishes for us to show how tasty it can be to cook with a little more thought.

We also had Mireille and Jacques from the shoeboutique Shoeks as guests and they gave us a show with new trends for the fall and winter.
When I was explaining a few things to them we found out they even sold my new boots! Just not to me because I already had them of course, but still they sell them too.
And here they are! Aren't they lovely? (you should sing that)Aren't they wonderful? Lalala

Now I am in the fasion spirit anyway My Gossip Girl t-shirt arrived!
A small package with "Fred Flare loves you" arrived at our home today.
Inside I found my awesome t-shirt with Chuck on it!
and here I am!

It's really hard to make a picture of yourself that shows the entire t-shirt but it says TEAM CHUCK and has his picture on it.
I'm lovin it!

Do you want to find out which Gossip Girl character you are?
Go and find out!

This is it for now!
Don't forget to watch:
The Brabant VIP series of poker at the 2nd of october
and Weekend met Marielle at the 3rd of october
on Brabant 10!

You know you love me,
Gossip Noes ;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You make it real for me

Noes is back!

It took a while but now I have enough to tell you again!
The Noes-News

I turned 19!
Not that I really wanted to, because now I am slowly moving to 20 and then you never get out of the 'ty' again. twenTY, twenTYone, twenTYtwo.. you get where I am going?

We have a pet again!
After our very sweet rabbit we didn't have a real animal anymore, but now we do!
Not just some animal, it's hedge hog! In Dutch we called it 'een egel'.
Now you probably think I am going mentally ill but I did not buy it somewhere on the internet or went to the forrest to catch it. It moved in to our garden itself.
It's really cute! But I haven't named it yet.

Big news from one of my favorite artists!
Singer/songwriter James Morrison is a daddy!
He and his girlfriend Gill have a beautifull baby girl, her name is not made public yet. Actually I do not agree with this at all because James was supposed to be mine one day! But still, it's pretty cute and I think James will be a good daddy too, so Congrats James!

He also has a new single again, the song is called 'You make it real'. It's a typical James song and of course I love it, and this is only a small piece of the new album that is coming out!
Watch his new song on Youtube!

From August 16th on I am an intern at TV station Brabant 10!
This is already my sixth week and I can say, I think I am really doing a good job.
This thursday, September 25th we are filming the first 3 episodes of Weekend met Marielle already and I arranged a great deal out of it.
These episodes contain fashion shows in terms of dogfashion, shoes and accessories, a young singer who arranges a benefit concert for charity, a modelling contest and much more.

So wacht the first episode of Weekend met Marielle at the 3th of October on Brabant 10!

We also filmed a tournament of poker with famous people from Brabant. They battled each other with poker to win 20.000 euro for charity! I am not going to tell you who won yet but I can tell you it was exciting!
A few of our players were the singer of the cover band Big Shampoo & the Hairstylers, Do, Frank Lammers, Grad Damen, sports writer Chris van Nijnatten, Sven from restaurant Coquille and Mari van de Ven.

The Brabant VIP series of poker are on Brabant 10 every friday from the 2nd of October to Christmas eve on.

Gossip Girl season two has started!
I am happy Serena, Blair, Chuck, Nate, Jenny and Dan are back because god I missed them! At this very moment my sweet laptop is downloading episode 4 already so if this is the first thing you hear about it, this is what you should do:
- find the program Bitlord on google and download it for free
- when you have managed to do this, go you!
- go to the website
- find the button saying 'showlist' at the top
- try not to click all the other great shows you see in the list
- find gossip girl and start downloading those episodes!
- after that, watch it of course!

My lovely friend Esther showed me an awesome shirt op the website of fred flare and I was in love right away. The shirt is from Gossip Girl, what else, and you can order it in 4 different designs.
So are you a big Gossip Girl fan? Ask yourself the question if you are a Serena, Blair, Chuck or Nate fan and find that website.
My favorite character, I love him!, is Chuck. So because of the very sweet friend of my sister, Evelien, my shirt is ordered and on his way to Holland very soon.
Team Chuck for the win!

Chuck, Ed Westwick in real life, also has a band!
They are called The Filthy Youth and I must say, Me likes!
And not just because Ed is in the band, it's not the mainstream kind of music.
You can find them op myspace, you can also download their songs there for free!
I recommend the song Orange.

That's it for now!
More Noes-News next time!

Love x,

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm not gonna write you a love song, do you need one?

Lately I am addicted to a new song, makes you feel chirpy again haha
So here it is

For some crazy reason the option 'hyperlink' does not work lately, so I'm just giving it to you like this, sorry!

Head underwater
And you tell me
To breathe easy for a while
Breathing gets harder, even I know that
Made room for me, it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands
I'm unusually hard to hold on to

Blank stares at blank pages
No easy way to say this
You mean well, but you make this hard on me

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leavin',
I gonna need a better reason
To write you a love song today

I learned the hard way
That they all say
Things you want to hear
And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and
Your twisted words,
Your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry

Convinced me to please you
Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leavin',
Imma need a better reason
To write you a love song today

Promise me, you'll leave the light on
To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone
'cause I believe there's a way you can love me
Because I say

I won't write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or break in this
Is that why you wanted a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay

If your heart is nowhere in it
I don't want it for a minute
Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that
There's a reason to
Write you a love song today

For the record, I don't write love songs in general
You have to be really really special for that, so let's just listen to the one sara made for us!

xx Noes

Sunday, April 13, 2008


This message is in Dutch for a big part, because it's about a song from Marco Borsato and I think you can already guess which one!

Why am I blogging about this song?
Take a moment to think about this question... still no clue?

Because you have millions of options to make a parody of it!
To be honest... I already made several with friends

To begin with, the original lyrics:

Je bent binnen
binnen in mijn hart
binnen in mijn ziel
Van binnen
binnen sinds de dag dat ik voor jou viel
binnen in de droom die ik met je wil beginnen
je bent binnen

The first parody I know was created during the introduction week, we had to do a game where you have to walk around the city and find out clues before you can proceed. Because we had a party at the evening some of our group had to go to the ATM machine, and now you can already guess which word kickt 'binnen' out of the song..

Je bent pinnen
pinnen bij de bank
pinnen uit de muur
ja pinnen
pinnen sinds de dag dat... (I don't know the last part anymore unfortunately)

When I was partying with some friends from work, we also managed to get our big boss in the song. To explain shortly, we work at the supermarket called "Dirk vd Broek" and of course the big boss' name is:

Dirk in mijn hart
Dirk in mijn ziel
ja Dirk
Dirk sinds dat dag dat ik hier werk
oooh Dirk
Dirk in de droom die wij hier gaan beginnen,
bij de Dirk
jaaa... Dirk

While I was discussing this song with my sisters I found out there are more options I did not think of, well for some that's a good thing.

When you are in a competition with your sports team or whatever team you can of course use:

A certain guy who was crazy about the female body used the word 'billen', really creative..

Any more ideas guys?


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It could be dangerous living in this valley!

It's been a while, but Noes is back!

What happened in the time in between?
- Busy, busy, busy with school. But if everything goes according to scedule that period will be over soon:)
- I created a huge addiction (yes, even more) to the band Paramore, I will see them again the 17th of June!
- I've been to the concert of Tegan and Sara
- The whole trip to America is planned
- The trip to London too
I know it's a bad excuse but I am really blaming school on not blogging ;)

Still a few weeks of school to go, but on the 16th of May this Noes will fly away to the USA!
We will stay on the campus of the NAU in Flaggstaff, Arizona to do a project. In the weekend we will visit Las Vegas which is awesome of course, but the thing is I am not 21. So I can not even gamble! But I'll just try to sneak in somewhere, cannot miss a chance like that.
When the rest of our group of school is going home again I will go to San Diego, Tijuana and Los Angeles with a few friends.
Because I have to do one stupid re-exam I have to go home earlier than hoped, so I will fly back on the 15th of June.

But actually this re-exam kinda saved me, because just a week or so ago I found out Paramore is coming back to Holland, but this is already on the 17th of June!
I still managed to get some tickets for myself and two of my friends but getting them meant waking up way to early on your saturday off, and that's really special when you work in the supermarket.
But after stressing out a bit and calling the computer some names, I got tickets!
At that moment the words chirpy and even hyperactive were on their place. Me, my jetlag and friends will be there!

If you do not know them yet, shame on you! (yes, I started it)

or just watch on of the videos to find out what you think:

Talking about music now, I've also been to the concert of Tegan and Sara on the 20th of March! I did not know them very well actually but one of my friends really wanted to see them so I went with her. They're live performance is great and they even played the song I know!
* I just want back in your head, lala lala lala lala*
The support band was Nothern state, three girls appearing to be calm with their keyboard and guitar but actually being female mc's with catchy rhymes.
The song "Iluvitwhenya" was even featured on greys anatomy!
I love their song "Sucka mofo"
You can listen to it on their myspace, just google them and you'll find it.

I have more new music, yes new for me, where I also got the name of this message out of but I'll keep that for next time because I don't know them that well yet.

Well after the USA and Paramore I have to do that re-exam, arrange the last Graduation Event because that's my TEF project on school and then I'm already going to London!
Yes, that's expensive to do all at once but after that I have the rest of the summer holiday to relax and work a little bit to save some money again:)

I think it's time again for me to do some studying!
x Noes