Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Dutch 'NY' cheesecake

I must honestly say that I'm not a huge fan of standard Dutch deserts. Things that are typical for Holland like 'vla' or plain 'yoghurt' ar not things I can be excited about.
So after diner at home I usually skip it, but when it comes to restaurants... it's a whole different story.
There they serve deserts like crème brûlée, tiramisu and something I made this weekend. Cheesecake.

It was my first time baking cheesecake so I used a recipe from Hummingbird Bakery as guide towards my own version. Due to the difference in heath of my oven and theirs, I needed more heath and time for the cake to look the way it was supposed to, apart from that I do not advise to cover your cake with household film while cooling because it sticks to your cake and ruins the shiny top.
But now that I know this all, I have a great recipe for home made cheesecake which you can adjust easily by adding fruit or cookie crumbles.
This one is a vanilla cheesecake which I topped with strawberry dressing. Maybe banana or chocolate next time?


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